Author: Arielle Hurst

Did you have the #winningwidget?

Thank you all for submitting your chat widgets to our #winningwidget competition! In this contest we were hoping to highlight some of the cool ways you can personalize Pure Chat with custom images, cool colors and different languages. For first place (and a year’s worth of bragging rights!) we chose Logo Huis, a logo design company out of the Netherlands, for adding their awesome mascot with an operator headset. Hey team @PureChat! Our company has definitely been generating leads because of this #winningwidget design! — Logo Huis (@LogoHuis) June 12, 2015   Second place was taken by Face Media...

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Episode 4: Now You Can Earn Money from Pure Chat!

  Sounds pretty awesome, right? With Pure Chat’s new affiliate program, our customers (read: you) can earn money by recommending new paying customers to our product! If you’re not sure how to get started, don’t worry. This week on the podcast we interviewed affiliate pro Kyle Kittleson who has been successfully generating income through affiliate programs for the last three years. During our conversation he explains exactly how to get started as a first-time affiliate and how you can easily automate this revenue...

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Trend Report: Google, Hashtags & Video – Oh My!

In this episode of the Pure Chat Podcast we’re talking about a new trend that blends Google, hashtags and video in a way that affects how your small business is found online. To learn more, we talked with Jennifer Sultzaberger who, in her own words, “eats, breathes and sleeps” online marketing and is the founder of the first marketing and branding tool to capitalize on this shift called #Vidit! LINKS Follow Jennifer on Twitter Learn more about #Vidit Call (480) 703-6300 for promotion...

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NEW: Triggers & Proactive Chat!

We are SO PUMPED about this new feature combo because we know they’ll help you engage even more website visitors. Triggers and proactive chats allow you to automatically start chats with visitors who have visited a certain webpage, or lingered on the site for a certain amount of time. This is awesome because studies show that events like shopping cart abandonments are minimized when a chat is initiated. To learn how to enable these features on your chat widget, watch the video tutorial above! You can also read through our support article on triggers. If you want to selectively...

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